What should I know about working with a Virtual Assistant?

When planning to hire a VA, consider the following:

For what tasks do I wish I had more time?

What is my vision for my practice? What are the things I enjoy about my work?

What duties am I willing to delegate to create a more streamlined practice?

What are my expectations for a VA? Hours? Communication style?

What procedures need to be put in place before hiring a VA?

What tools and platforms do I work with the most? What kind of access will my VA need?

How involved do I want to be with my VA? Would I prefer a more hands off model or will the tasks require a hands on approach?

How quickly am I looking to onboard a VA? Do I envision this being a short-term or long-term relationship?

Here are a few things to note about us and how we work:

We are really good at prioritizing, organizing and streamlining. If you’re not sure where to start, we can likely provide some ideas and pointers. We generally schedule a 1-2 hour training at the beginning of our relationship to get the ball rolling.

We are business owners, just like you :). We love this business and working with different providers to help them create balance in their lives.

We communicate best through written correspondence (email, text, etc.). We do our best to get back to your correspondence as soon as possible, but sometimes it might take a day or so. We’re always happy to schedule Zoom and phone calls whenever requested!

We're very open to feedback. If there's an issue with our work, we hope you'll come to us about it so that we're able to fix it. Your opinion is really valuable to us!

We have families whom we love dearly. Sometimes that lends itself to time away from computer/phone. While our office hours can be variable, we always try to keep your preferences in mind when corresponding with your clients.

We’re great secret keepers. If we decide to work together, we’ll require you to send along a BAA for us to sign. You’ll never have to wonder if your marketing strategies, client information or business plans will get out to your competition.